Accompanying the English for Everyone Junior: Beginner’s Course, this beautifully illustrated workbook features more than 1,000 vocabulary and grammar exercises for children starting to learn English as a foreign language.
Following the same unit-by-unit structure as English for Everyone Junior: Beginner’s Course, this clearly structured workbook provides children aged 6-9 with all the support they need to build their confidence when using the language skills they have learned in the course ebook. Featuring hundreds of exercises, this practice book tests all the vocabulary and grammar structures taught in the English for Everyone Junior: Beginner’s Course, making use of a range of both familiar and new exercise mechanisms.
Although best used to accompany English for Everyone Junior: Beginner’s Course, this practice ebook can also be used independently by children or teachers who are in need of additional beginners-level English practice exercises – particularly in preparation for the Cambridge Pre-A1 Starters exam.
English for Everyone Junior: Beginner’s Practice Book’s dynamic visual approach to language learning and accompanying audio website and app makes it stand out from the competition.
My friends 10
About the course 6
Senior Editor Ben Ffrancon Davies
Senior Art Editor Amy Child
Illustrators Amy Child, Dan Crisp
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First published in Great Britain in 2022 by
Dorling Kindersley Limited
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ISBN: 978-0-2414-7113-5
Printed and bound in China
At school 16
Our classroom 24
My things 30
Our favourite animals 38
This is my family 46
This is my room 54
Review: This is me 62
At the fair 64
Our pets 72
This book was made with Forest Stewardship
Council ™ certified paper – one small step in
DK’s commitment to a sustainable future.
For more information go to
My body 80 Our party clothes 150
Our town 88
My home 96
Review: Where I live 104
On the farm 106
Sports 114
At the food market 124
At the toyshop 132
Our hobbies 140
Review: What I like 148
Handwriting guide 194
Answers 199
Acknowledgments 224
Our day on the beach 158
Lunch time 166
At the park 174
My day 182
Review: Me and my day 192
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