This book is a highly illustrated, practical guide to anterior segment optical coherence tomography (OCT) with numerous photographs and didactic information throughout. Clear and concise chapters outline the diagnostics of the anterior segment of the eye with clinical advice given to support ophthalmic surgeons with pre and intraoperative surgery planning as well as postoperative follow-up care.
Optical Coherence Tomography of the Anterior Segment will be a useful resource for everyday practice to allow clinicians to grow their expertise in this patient-friendly and common diagnostic procedure. As the procedure continues to gain popularity, this book will be an indispensable resource for all levels of ophthalmologist who wish to improve their knowledge and techniques of anterior segment OCT.
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Table of contents
About the Editors
1 History and Future Prospects of Anterior Segment OCT
1 Introduction
2 Profile and Nomenclature
3 The Origin of OCT
4 The Evolution of OCT Since Its Invention
5 The Evolution of the Clinical Acceptance of OCT
6 Perspectives of Anterior Segment OCT
2 Physical Principles of Anterior Segment OCT
1 Introduction
2 Particle Optical Aspects: Light Propagation in Tissue
3 Data Acquisition and Imaging Optics
4 Wave Optical Aspects: Interference
5 OCT Methods
5.1 Time Domain OCT
5.2 Spectral Domain OCT
5.3 Swept Source OCT
6 OCT Imaging of the Anterior Segment of the Eye-Practical Examples
6.1 Example from Research: Influence of Focus Geometry
6.2 Application Example: Intraoperative OCT
7 Summary
3 Anatomy and Traumatology of the Anterior Segment of the Eye with Optic Coherence Tomography
4 Optical Coherence Tomography in Conjunctival and Eyelid Lesions
1 Eyelid Diseases
2 Diseases of the Conjunctiva
5 Degenerative Corneal Disorders
1 Keratoconus
2 Vogt’s Striae
3 Corneal Ectasia
4 Demarcation Line After Crosslinking
5 Subepithelial Corneal Scar
6 DALK Findings Postoperatively
7 Implantation of Ring Segments
8 Krumeich Rings
9 Acute Corneal Hydrops in Keratoconus
10 Descemet’s Membrane Tear
11 Fluid Pockets
12 Mini-DMEK
13 Corneal Compression Sutures
14 Contact Lenses
14.1 Rigid Contact Lenses
14.2 Scleral Lenses
15 Arcus Senilis
16 Lipid Keratopathy
17 Band Keratopathy
18 Corneal Pannus
19 Pellucidal Marginal Corneal Degeneration (PMD)
20 Salzmann’s Nodular Degeneration
21 Cornea Verticillata
22 Keratopathy in Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome
23 Degenerative, Post-Traumatic Iron Deposition of the Cornea
24 Haab’s Striae
6 Epithelial Mapping
1 The Corneal Epithelium
2 Epithelial Thickness Profile in Corneal Diseases
2.1 Keratoconus
2.2 Corneal Scars
2.3 Epithelial Changes After Refractive Surgery
7 Inflammatory Corneal Diseases
1 Infectious Corneal Diseases
1.1 Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Induced Corneal Ulcer
1.2 Corneal Ulcer in Acanthamoeboid Keratitis
1.3 Crystalline Keratitis
1.4 Herpetic Keratitis
1.5 Interstitial Keratitis
1.6 Corneal Involvement in Scleromalacia
1.7 Autoimmune Corneal Ulcer with Descemetocele
8 Optical Coherence Tomography in Corneal Dystrophies
1 Epithelial-Stromal TGFBI Dystrophies
2 Stromal Corneal Dystrophies
3 Endothelial Corneal Dystrophies
4 Conclusion
9 Refractive and Therapeutic Corneal Surgery
Conflict of Interest
10 Optical Coherence Tomography of the Anterior Segment of the Eye in Corneal Transplantation
1 Introduction
2 Optical Coherence Tomography in Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty (DALK)
3 Anterior Segment OCT in Posterior Lamellar Keratoplasties
4 Intraoperative OCT in Corneal Transplantation
5 Optical Coherence Tomography in Penetrating Keratoplasty and Keratoprostheses
11 Optical Coherence Tomography of the Anterior Chamber and the Chamber Angle
1 Introduction
2 Possible Applications of Optical Coherence Tomography for the Analysis of the Anterior Chamber and the Chamber Angle
3 Conclusion and Summary
Conflict of Interest
12 Optical Coherence Tomography of the Iris
1 Introduction
2 Possible Applications of Optical Coherence Tomography for the Analysis of the Iris
3 Conclusion and Summary
Conflict of Interest
13 Optical Cohenrece Tomography in Refractive Surgery
1 Introduction
2 OCT in the Implantation of Phakic Intraocular Lenses
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