A new addition to the Oxford Case Histories series, Obstetric Medicine provides the reader with 55 cases of different clinical presentations in obstetric medicine.
Each case is presented with a background to the subject area, a summary of the history, and examination findings, and relevant investigation results. This is followed by several questions on clinically important aspects of the case with answers and detailed discussion, particularly of the differential management options. Each topic is mapped on to both the curriculum for physicians undertaking obstetric medicine, and for obstetric trainees studying for membership exams, the Advance Training Skills Module in maternal medicine, and speciality training in maternal and fetal medicine.
Providing an ideal self-assessment tool, this new title is of interest to all doctors working in obstetrics, midwives, and students revising for exams.
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Firstly I would like to acknowledge my co-authors, who contributed to this book with energy and enthusiasm despite the massive pressures of working clinically during the pandemic and simultaneously keeping life going at home with their families. We are very grateful for the help and guidance provided by Caroline, Sylvia and their team at OUP which resulted in such a smooth and swift publishing experience.
Finally, I must thank Matt, Emilia, Alexander, Oliver and Theo for their unfailing support and patience whilst I undertook another book!
Thank you to those who have helped me, and continue to help me, on my obstetric medicine journey. Thank you also to Ayana Jasmine, Shreya Radha, Kiyara Neya and Alkesh who fill my life with joy.
Thank you to Professor David Williams for his wisdom and encouragement as a friend and mentor, Professor Cathy Nelson-Piercy for inspiring me to work in this field, and Pete, Martha and Edward for their patience whilst I have contributed to this book.
A note from the series editors
Case histories have always had an important role in medical education, but most published material has been directed at undergraduates or residents. The Oxford Case Histories series aims to provide more complex case-based learning for clinicians in specialist training and consultants, with a view to aiding preparation for entry- and exit-level specialty examinations or revalidation.
Each case book follows the same format with approximately 50 cases, each comprising a brief clinical history and investigations, followed by questions on differential diagnosis and management, and detailed answers with discussion.
At the end of each book, cases are listed by mode of presentation, aetiology, and diagnosis. We are grateful to our colleagues in the various medical specialties for their enthusiasm
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