
Bedbugs (Easy to read)

Elsevier Patient Education © 2023 Elsevier Inc..
Last revised: September 27, 2023.

A bedbug.

Bedbugs are tiny bugs that live in and around beds. During the day, they stay hidden. At night, they come out and bite.

Where are bedbugs found?

Bedbugs can be found anywhere. It does not matter if a place is clean or dirty. Bedbugs are found in:

  • Hotels.

  • Shelters.

  • Dorms.

  • Hospitals.

  • Nursing homes.

  • Places where there are many birds or bats.

What are bedbug bites like?

A person's arm covered in bedbug bites.

A bedbug bite makes a small red bump with a darker red dot in the middle. The bump may show soon after you are bitten or one or more days later. Bedbug bites usually do not hurt, but they may itch or cause an allergic reaction. You will need to get medical help if you have an allergic reaction.

Most people do not need treatment for bedbug bites. The bumps usually go away on their own in a few days.

If you have a lot of bedbug bites and they feel very itchy:

  • Do not scratch the bite areas.

  • You may put one of these on the bite area as told by your doctor:

    • Baking soda paste, made by adding water to baking soda.

    • Cortisone cream.

    • Calamine lotion.

How do I check for bedbugs?

Adult bedbugs are reddish-brown, oval, and flat. They are very small, and they cannot fly. Young bedbugs are whitish-yellow and are smaller than adult bedbugs.

Use a flashlight to look for bedbugs in these places:

  • On mattresses, bed frames, headboards, and box springs.

  • On drapes and curtains in bedrooms.

  • Under the carpet in bedrooms.

  • Behind electrical outlets.

  • Behind any wallpaper that is peeling.

  • Inside luggage.

Also, look for black or red spots or stains on or near the bed.

What should I do if I find bedbugs?

When traveling

  • Look over the room for the presence of bedbugs on items like the mattress, bedding, headboard, and luggage rack. You may want to use a flashlight.

  • Use luggage racks to hold your luggage when packing or unpacking.

  • Do not set luggage on the bed or the floor.

  • Keep luggage away from the bed.

  • Before you go back home, check your clothes, suitcase, and belongings for bedbugs. You may want to throw away anything that has bedbugs on it.

  • When you get home, unpack directly into a washing machine and look at your luggage carefully.

  • Put clothing in the dryer at a high temperature to kill any bedbugs. Generally, washing will not kill bedbugs.

  • Store suitcases away from your bedroom, such as in the basement or garage. Never store suitcases under your bed.

At home

Your bedroom may need to be treated by a pest control expert. You may also need to throw away mattresses or luggage. To help stop bedbugs from coming back, you may want to:

  • Wash your clothes and bedding in water that is hotter than 120°F (48.9°C). Dry them on a hot setting.

  • Put a plastic cover over your mattress.

  • When you sleep, wear pajamas that have long sleeves and pant legs. Bedbugs usually bite skin that is not covered.

  • Vacuum often around the bed and in all of the cracks where the bugs might hide.

  • Check all used furniture, bedding, or clothes that you bring into your home.

  • Get rid of bird nests and bat roosts that are near your home.

Where to find more information

Contact a doctor if:

  • You have more redness, swelling, or pain at the bite area.

  • You have pus or a bad smell coming from the bite area.

  • The bite area feels warm to the touch.

Get help right away if:

  • You have signs of a very bad allergic reaction (anaphylactic reaction). These may include:

    • Swelling of your eyes, lips, face, mouth, tongue, or throat.

    • Feeling warm in the face.

    • Itchy, red, swollen areas of skin.

    • Trouble with breathing, talking, or swallowing.

    • High-pitched whistling sounds, most often when breathing out.

    • Feeling dizzy or light-headed.

    • Fainting.

These symptoms may be an emergency. Do not wait to see if the symptoms will go away. Get help right away. Call 911.


  • Bedbugs are tiny bugs that live in and around beds.

  • Bedbugs are often found in hotels, shelters, dorms, hospitals, and nursing homes.

  • A bedbug bite makes a small red bump with a darker red dot in the middle.

  • Bedbug bites usually do not hurt, but they may itch or cause an allergic reaction. You will need to get medical help if you have an allergic reaction.

  • If you find bedbugs at home, your bedroom may need to be treated by a pest control expert.

This information is not intended to replace advice given to you by your health care provider. Make sure you discuss any questions you have with your health care provider.

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