OSCEs are a familiar component of postgraduate examinations worldwide, simulating clinical scenarios to assess a candidate’s clinical skills and a range of competencies. This book will combine comprehensive knowledge and evidence-based practice standards in obstetrics and medical complications of pregnancy into a patient-centered approach using standardized OSCE scenarios. Taking an innovative, unique approach to diverse common clinical scenarios, it will be useful to trainees preparing for high-stakes certification examinations, and all healthcare workers providing obstetrical care. By using the provided clinical cases for self-assessment or peer-review practice, important aspects of focused history taking and patient management are elucidated. For those working in obstetrical care, this book is an essential teaching tool for all levels of training. The book will therefore serve as a key teaching tool at various levels. Readers can use the clinical cases for self-assessment or peer-review practice, to elucidate important aspects of focused history-taking and evidence-based patient management.
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Traditionally, the crux of factual knowledge in obstetrics is presented within a myriad of formats that include textbooks, handbooks, point-of-care resources, and diverse nations’ practice guidelines, while didactic simulations using simulated patients, manikins, or virtual patients assess different dimensions of clinical performance. Given the daily activities of obstetric care providers in an era of continuously evolving practice standards, intertwined with the responsibility of transmission of knowledge and skill to learners, this innovative resource was envisioned to blend evidence-based practice standards in obstetrics and medical complications of pregnancy with academic fundamentals into a patient-centered approach using standardized objective structured clinical examination (OSCE)-type scenarios.
Introduced in 1975 in response to criticisms regarding the reliability and validity of traditional clinical examinations, OSCEs have been adopted worldwide and are now recognized as gold standard for assessment of clinical competence [1]. Each of the 77 OSCE chapters starts with a brief case scenario and guides obstetric practitioners and trainees to focused history taking, which implies the extrapolation of essential patient information, to then offer evidence-based counseling and management from preconception or early pregnancy to the postpartum period. With reference to contemporary British, American, Canadian, Australian, and other international clinical policy makers, the intent of the book is to provide an evidence-based approach to clinical care, synchronizing practice recommendations where possible and otherwise allowing international readers to appreciate diverse evidence-based practices. Developed from the selected ‘Suggested Readings,’ with a maximum of 10 per chapter, where possible, each scenario assumes the reader is the obstetric care provider, accompanied by a clinical trainee, providing comprehensive coverage of the obstetric patient, thereby helping trainees prepare for high-stakes certification examinations or health care workers in providing care. The pedagogical approach also serves to stress important elements of basic science and physiology required to appreciate clinical practice.
The marking mechanism is intended as a simple and schematic tool to objectify progress in selfassessment or peer review, with the total points per OSCE chapter in multiples of 5 for homogeneity of structure throughout the book. The weight of allotted points is open to modification according to the level of the learner, as is the content presented throughout any chapter. For example, the objectives of a junior obstetric trainee may be solely to extrapolate a patient’s medical history and initiate necessary investigations, while a senior trainee may be expected to provide counseling, analyze laboratory results, structure clinical care, and manage complications in pregnancy or postpartum. Unlike real-time settings, where OSCEs are intended to be completed within the specified time frame, this book offers teachers and learners flexibility according to individual needs. Readers are encouraged to recognize that clinical blurbs depicting the progress of an OSCE scenario often contain clinically relevant academic information presented partly for learning purposes. To interconnect clinical content while avoiding overlap of concepts addressed
Pelsewhere in the book, readers will find selected ‘Special notes’ directing them to complementary content addressed in other OSCE chapters or otherwise providing adjunctive literary reference or highlighting learning points.
This textbook is intended for all obstetric care providers and learners as a stimulus for excellence in modern evidence-based clinical and academic dimensions of obstetrics. We hope you enjoy the art of teaching and the lifelong journey of learning, amid providing medical care to the mother and fetus, as much as we enjoyed crafting these innovative OSCE chapters.
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