This book provides that knowledge needed to introduce individuals to the most important research and content on nanotoxicology in nanobiomedicine. Nanotechnology is helping to considerably improve, even revolutionize many technology and industry sectors: information technology, homeland security, medicine, transportation, energy, food safety, and environmental science, among many others. There is an urgent need for a general reference textbook that presents the most recent information on the toxicity and its effects in all these sectors, biomedicine in particular. It includes historical information, nanotoxicology by subject area and or disease, sources of nanomaterials, drug delivery systems and more. Scientists, researchers, and students in all fields that use nanotechnology will find this book essential reading.
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Table of contents :
About the Author
Chapter 1: Introduction and Historical Background
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Overview
1.3 Nanotoxicology
1.4 Nano Biomedicine
1.5 Nanoelectromechanical Systems
1.6 Microelectromechanical Systems
1.7 Nanotechnology: Structures
1.8 Historical Development
1.8.1 Early Period
1.8.2 Premodern Period
1.8.3 Middle Ages
1.8.4 Modern Nanotechnology
1.9 Regulations
1.10 Future Trends
1.10.1 Small Systems, Big Applications
1.10.2 Beating the Big C
1.10.3 Scientific Trends in Medicine
Further Reading
Chapter 2: Sources, Classification, Synthesis, and Biomedical Applications
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Bulk Materials Versus NPs/NMs
2.3 Types
2.4 Classification
2.5 Sources
2.6 Production Approaches
2.7 Synthesis
2.8 Characterization
2.9 Properties
2.9.1 Physical Properties
2.9.2 Chemical Properties
2.10 Applications
2.11 Current Status
Further Reading
Chapter 3: Mechanism of Nanotoxicity
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