Guide to Ruminant Anatomy
Familiarize yourself with the anatomy of ruminants and food animals with this up-to-date guide
Guide to Ruminant Anatomy provides a richly illustrated guide tailored to the practical needs of veterinary clinicians. Divided for ease of use into sections representing different parts of the ruminant body, this in-depth introduction uses real dissection images to familiarize readers in detail with the internal and external anatomy of caprine, ovine, and bovine animals. It provides an outstanding demonstration of the relevance of anatomy in clinical settings.
Guide to Ruminant Anatomy readers will also find:
- Practical clinical applications discussed by board certified clinicians in each chapter
- Line drawings corresponding to dissection images of embalmed specimens
- Learning objectives in each section, tying key concepts to clinician development
- A companion website featuring laboratory videos demonstrating relevant anatomy
Guide to Ruminant Anatomy is an essential guide for veterinary students studying anatomy of food animals, as well as veterinary practitioners of all kinds looking for an easy-to-use reference on ruminant anatomy.
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Table of contents :
Title Page
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About the Companion Website
Chapter 1 The Head, Neck, and Vertebral Column
1.1 Skull
1.2 Mandible
1.3 Paranasal Sinuses
1.4 Vertebral Column
1.5 Teeth and Age Estimation of Cattle and Small Ruminants (Goats and Sheep)
1.5.1 Definitions and Criteria for Estimating the Age of Ruminants
1.5.2 Steps for Estimating the Age of Cattle
1.6 Joints of the Head
1.6.1 Temporomandibular Joint
1.6.2 Atlantooccipital Joint
1.6.3 Mandibular Symphysis
1.6.4 Vertebral Joints
1.7 Muscles of the Head
1.7.1 Cutaneous Muscles
1.7.2 Muscles of Facial Expression
1.7.3 Muscles of Mastication
1.7.4 Pharyngeal Muscles
1.7.5 Laryngeal Muscles
1.7.6 Hyoid Muscles
1.7.7 Lingual Muscles
1.7.8 Extraocular Muscles
1.8 Blood Vessels, Lymph Nodes, and Nerves of the Head
1.8.1 Blood Vessels (Arteries and Veins)
1.8.2 Lymph Nodes of the Head and Neck
1.8.3 Nerves of the Head
1.9 Salivary Glands
1.10 The Pharynx
1.10.1 Oropharynx
1.10.2 Nasopharynx
1.10.3 Laryngopharynx
1.11 Tongue
1.12 The Larynx and Hyoid Apparatus
1.12.1 Larynx
1.12.2 Hyoid Apparatus
1.13 The Eye
1.13.1 Superficial Features of the Eye
1.13.2 Layers of the Eye
1.13.3 Sectioning of the Eyeball
1.13.4 Drainage Pathway of the Aqueous Humor
1.14 Neck Skeleton
1.15 Neck Muscles, Nerves, and Vessels
1.15.1 Neck Muscles
1.15.2 Nerves of the Neck
1.15.3 Blood Vessels of the Neck
1.16 Nuchal Ligament
1.17 Surface Topography (Head and Neck)
1.18 Lab ID List for the Head and Neck
Chapter 2 The Thorax
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Bones of the Thorax
2.3 Thoracic Inlet
2.4 Basal Border of the Lung and Area for Lung Auscultation
2.5 Diaphragmatic Line of Pleural Reflection
2.6 Muscles of the Thoracic Wall
2.7 Pleura
2.7.1 Parietal Pleura
2.7.2 Visceral Pleura
2.7.3 Connecting Pleura
2.7.4 Content of the Pleural Cavity
2.7.5 Lung Lobes
2.7.6 Mediastinum
2.8 Vessels (Arteries and Veins)
2.8.1 Blood Circulation: An Overview
2.9 Major Veins of the Thorax
2.9.1 Cranial Vena Cava
2.9.2 Caudal Vena Cava
2.9.3 Azygos Veins (Left and Right)
2.10 Major Arteries of the Thorax
2.10.1 Brachiocephalic Trunk
2.10.2 Costocervical Trunk
2.10.3 Vertebral Artery
2.10.4 Superficial Cervical Artery
2.10.5 Internal Thoracic Artery
2.11 Lymphatic Structures
2.11.1 Thymus
2.11.2 Thoracic Duct
2.11.3 Mediastinal and Tracheobronchial Lymph Nodes
2.12 Nerves (Motor Somatic, Sympathetic, and Parasympathetic)
2.12.1 Phrenic Nerve
2.12.2 Autonomic Nerves in the Thorax
2.12.3 Vagus Nerve
2.12.4 Sympathetic Trunk and Sympathetic Ganglia
2.13 Heart (Cor)
2.13.1 Pericardium
2.13.2 External Features of the Heart
2.13.3 Interior of the Heart
2.14 Point of Maximum Intensity or Puncta Maxima
2.15 Lab ID List for the Thorax
Chapter 3 The Abdomen
3.1 Lumbar Vertebrae
3.1.1 Bovine Lumbar Vertebrae
3.1.2 Goat and Sheep Lumbar Vertebrae
3.2 Ligaments of Lumbar Vertebrae
3.2.1 Supraspinous Ligament
3.2.2 Interspinous Ligaments
3.2.3 Intertransverse Ligaments
3.2.4 Yellow Ligaments (Interarcuate or Ligament Flava)
3.2.5 Dorsal and Ventral Longitudinal Ligaments
3.2.6 Intervertebral Disc
3.3 Abdominal Wall
3.3.1 Paralumbar Fossa
3.3.2 Nerves of the Paralumbar Fossa (Flank Anesthesia)
3.3.3 Cutaneus Trunci and Omobrachialis Muscles
3.3.4 Tunica Flava Abdominis
3.3.5 External Abdominal Oblique Muscle
3.3.6 Internal Abdominal Oblique Muscle
3.3.7 Transversus Abdominis Muscle
3.3.8 Rectus Abdominis Muscle
3.3.9 Rectus Sheath
3.4 Abdominal Cavity
3.4.1 Dissection Plan
3.4.2 Peritoneum
3.4.3 Omentum
3.4.4 Ruminant Stomach
3.5 Intestines
3.5.1 Small Intestine Duodenum
3.5.2 Large Intestine
3.6 Other Abdominal Organs
3.6.1 Liver
3.6.2 Spleen
3.6.3 Pancreas
3.6.4 Kidney
3.7 Vessels
3.7.1 Arteries
3.7.2 Veins
3.7.3 Lymphatics
3.8 Palpation of the Live Animal
3.9 Lab ID List for the Abdomen
Chapter 4 The Pelvis and Reproductive Organs
4.1 Bones of the Pelvis
4.1.1 Os Coxae (Pelvic Bone)
4.2 Sacrosciatic Ligament (Broad Sacrotuberous Ligament)
4.3 Pelvic Peritoneal Pouches
4.4 Urinary Bladder, Ureters, and Ligaments of the Bladder
4.5 Male Genitalia
4.5.1 Penis
4.5.2 Male Urethra
4.5.3 Prepuce
4.5.4 Superficial Inguinal (Scrotal) Lymph Nodes
4.5.5 Blood Supply to the Pelvic Viscera and Male Genitalia
4.5.6 Testes
4.5.7 Male Accessory Sex Glands
4.6 Female Reproductive Tract
4.6.1 Ovaries
4.6.2 Uterine Tubes
4.6.3 Uterine Horns
4.6.4 Uterine Body
4.6.5 Uterine Cervix
4.6.6 Vagina
4.6.7 Female Pudendum
4.6.8 Blood Supply of the Female Genital Tract
4.6.9 Udder
4.7 Live Cow
4.8 Lab ID List for the Pelvis and Reproductive Structures
Chapter 5 The Forelimb
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Bones of the Thoracic Limb
5.2.1 Scapula
5.2.2 Humerus
5.2.3 Radius and Ulna
5.2.4 Carpus (Proximal and Distal Rows)
5.2.5 Metacarpal Bones (Large Metacarpal or Cannon Bone)
5.2.6 Digits
5.3 Muscles and Tendons of the Thoracic Limb
5.3.1 Extrinsic Muscles of the Forelimb
5.3.2 Intrinsic Muscles of the Thoracic Limb
5.4 Retinacula
5.5 Carpal Canal
5.6 Ligaments of the Digits
5.6.1 Proximal Interdigital Ligament
5.6.2 Distal Interdigital Ligament
5.6.3 Annular Ligaments (Palmar, Proximal, and Distal Digital Annular Ligaments)
5.6.4 Digital Annular Ligaments (Proximal and Distal)
5.7 Hoof (Wall, Sole, Bulb, and White Line)
5.8 Arteries and Nerves of the Thoracic Limb
5.8.1 Nomenclature of Blood Vessels and Nerves in the Distal Limb
5.9 Veins of the Forelimb
5.10 Lymphatics of the Thoracic Limb
5.11 Nerves of the Thoracic Limb
5.11.1 Suprascapular Nerve
5.11.2 Subscapular Nerve
5.11.3 Axillary Nerve
5.11.4 Musculocutaneous Nerve
5.11.5 Radial Nerve
5.11.6 Median and Ulnar Nerves
5.12 Joints of the Forelimbs
5.12.1 Shoulder Joint
5.12.2 Elbow Joint
5.12.3 Carpal Joints
5.12.4 Digital Joints
Chapter 6 The Hind Limb
6.1 Bones of the Hind Limb
6.1.1 Os Coxae (Hip Bone)
6.1.2 Femur (Thighbone)
6.1.3 Bones of the Leg (Crus)
6.1.4 Tarsal Bones
6.1.5 Fused Metatarsals III and IV (Large Metatarsal Bone)
6.1.6 Metatarsal Sesamoid Bone
6.2 Muscles of the Pelvic Limb
6.2.1 Muscles Acting on the Hip Joint
6.2.2 Muscles Acting on the Stifle Joint
6.2.3 Muscles Acting on the Hock and Digits
6.3 Blood Vessels and Nerves of the Hind Limbs
6.3.1 Overview of Arterial Blood Supply to the Whole Hind Limb
6.3.2 Veins of the Hind Limb
6.3.3 Lymphatic Structures of the Hind Limb
6.3.4 Nerves of the Hind Limb
6.4 Joints of the Hind Limb
6.4.1 Hip Joint
6.4.2 Stifle Joint
6.4.3 Hock (or Tarsus) Joint
6.5 Live Cow
6.6 Lab ID List for Forelimb and Hind Limb
Appendix A Dissection Instructions for a Goat Cadaver
A.1 Dissection Labs
A.2 Dissection of Goat Neck and Body Cavities (Labs, 1, 2, and 3)
A.2.1 Removal of the Thoracic Limb
A.2.2 Removal of the Pelvic (Hind) Limb
A.2.3 Skinning of the Neck and Flank on the Side Where the Limbs Are Removed
A.2.4 Opening the Thorax and Abdomen for Studying the Topography on the Left and Right Sides
A.2.5 Thorax
A.2.6 Abdomen (In Situ and on Extirpated Viscera)
A.2.7 Dissection of Male and Female Pelvis (Lab 4)
A.3 Head Dissection (Lab 5)
A.4 Forelimb Dissection (Labs 6 and 7)
A.5 Hind Limb Dissection (Labs 8 and 9)
Videos Captions
Appendix B Terminology: Common Terminology and Names
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