Disparities in colorectal cancer time-to-treatment and survival time associated with racial and economic residential segregation surrounding the diagnostic hospital, Georgia 2010-2015

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  • Title: Measuring disparities in event-free survival among children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in an academic institute in Oklahoma, 2005–2019
  • Author: Amanda E. Janitz a,*, Rylee Barber b, Janis E. Campbell a, Chao Xu a, Hanumantha R. Pokala b,Jessica Blanchard c, Ren´e Y. McNall-Knapp b
  • Publication: Cancer Epidemiology
  • Publisher: Elsevier Inc
  • Year: 2022
  • Language: English
  • Pages: 6
  • Format: PDF
  • File size: 749 KB
  • DOI: 10.1016/j.canep.2022.102275
  • CBID: CBR163
Disparities in colorectal cancer time-to-treatment and survival time associated with racial and economic residential segregation surrounding the diagnostic hospital, Georgia 2010-2015